First Time Visitor?

     Welcome to our website and we are glad to introduce ourselves. At Our Savior's Lutheran Church you will hear God's Word proclaimed!  Marvel at God's love for all people-revealed in the person and work of Jesus Christ.  Enjoy the fellowship of believers who confess together their sin, receive the assurance of God's forgiveness in Christ Jesus, and by the power of the Holy Spirit working through Word and Sacrament, share His love with each other. The people of Our Savior's are a loving group of people who are excited about saving faith in Christ Jesus and greatly desire to see others come and grow in the love of Him.


What You Can Expect

Liturgical Worship

     Our worship services are liturgical, which comes from the  Greek word 'leitourgia', or "public service; divine service". “Liturgy” in a narrow sense denotes the order of service for celebration of Communion. In a wider sense the term denotes the whole system of formal worship.



Closed Communion

     We practice 'closed communion', but, "What is this?" Scripture tells us that before we take the Lord’s Supper we should examine ourselves (1 Cor. 11:27-28). Scripture makes clear that we can take communion to our judgment (1 Cor. 11:29). Scripture also makes clear that in communion a public testimony is being given that the communicant believes the teachings of the altar he/she communes at are faithful to the Word of God. When we come to the altar at Our Savior's Lutheran Church we are publicly proclaiming that we believe that the teachings of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod are faithful to the Word of God, and that we are one with each other in doctrine and practice. 1 Cor. 1:10, 10:17, & Romans 16:17).     

     We believe that only those who are “one” with us in doctrine and practice should attend Holy Communion here, because communion proclaims a unity of faith. This does not imply that those of another Christian denomination are not true believers, but that we do take Scripture and doctrine seriously.


Becoming a Member

     We greatly encourage you to examine and ask questions about our Confession.  We have Adult Catechism classes in which we offer instruction for those interested in seeking communicant membership.

© 2025 Our Savior's Lutheran Church
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